What are men operated on?

Women have been and are the majority among our patients. However, more and more men want to improve themselves and come to our office. They want to improve their appearance naturally, and according to age they tend to seek some treatments or others. Let’s see what are men operated on.
Most frequent interventions
The aesthetic surgeries that we practice most in the male sex are otoplasty, rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty or eyelid surgery. And lately they are encouraged even with face and neck lifting or stretching. We have noticed a considerable increase in the demand for this intervention. Some also request gynecomastia surgery, or body surgery such as a tummy tuck, especially after extensive weight loss.
What are men operated on? By age ranges
Thus, and by age ranges, we perform rhinoplasty in all age ranges, from young (twenties) to older (ages 60).
Otoplasty is requested in all age groups as well, although there is a tendency to perform this intervention at younger ages. A large part of the otoplasties are performed in young people between 20 and 30 years of age, even in children, since sometimes there are early complexes with the ears that require a solution at an early age.
Blepharoplasty is an intervention that we usually perform on older patients, especially from the age of 50, since it is an “aging surgery”. Even so, there are some younger men whom we treat by means of this intervention to remove the fatty bags from the eyelids. This situation does not have any other treatment, and with that we managed to greatly improve his appearance.
Cervicofacial lift it is an intervention that we perform on mature patients, from approximately 50 years of age, and without age limits. This intervention seeks, above all, to reverse the effects of aging.
Gynecomastia is performed more in young patients, since they feel bothersome and uncomfortable with their chest, and they seek to correct this at an early age.
And body surgeries are generally done in the middle ages, which is when men tend to have made big changes in weight, although this is variable of course.
Thus we see how each surgery has its age audience in men, who increasingly seek to be comfortable with their image and feel better about themselves.
Dr. Patricia Martínez is a registered plastic surgeon, member of SECPRE (Spanish Society of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery).